Several College of Nursing faculty authored a paper which recently received the 2016 Southern Nursing Research Society’s Research in Nursing and Health Authorship Award. The lead author was Assistant Professor Brian Ahn, and co-authors included Joyce Stechmiller, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Debra Lyon, Kirbo Endowed Chair and Executive Associate Dean, and Cyndi Garvan, Research Associate Professor. They were also joined by co-author and colleague in the UF College of Dentistry, Roger Fillingim. The article was titled “Bodily Pain Intensity in Nursing Home Residents with Pressure Ulcers: Analyses of National Minimum Data Set 3.0” and was published in Research in Nursing and Health.
This authorship award supports high-quality, peer-reviewed research/scholarship that covers a broad range of research and theory that impacts nursing practice/science and other health disciplines. The award also supports the SNRS mission to promote the image of nursing as a scientific discipline and recognizes a SNRS member’s contribution to research dissemination, facilitation of career development of nurses and nursing students, and enhancement of science and nursing practice in the Southern region.