You are invited to join the College of Nursing in a EMBRACE GRATITUDE Project!
We invite all students to join us in recognizing the power of gratitude by submitting a six-word story, which is a form of narrative. Submit your own six-words (or more) gratitude story using the form below. If you prefer to add an original drawing or artwork, you can instead upload a file.
As you may know, research has shown that practicing gratitude can improve wellbeing, increase resilience, and reduce stress. Below is a TEDTalk with Christina Costa on How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain.
The College of Nursing will share and post selected gratitude entries to motivate others. You are welcome to submit your story anonymously or sign your project.
Submit your own six-word story using the form below.
Here is the College of Nursing six-word story example:
What will your six-word story be?