All Posts by

Carlos Medina

Demonstration Projects Build Respect, Impact

A second round of demonstration projects between UF Health nurses and UF College of Nursing faculty ended recently. But, in many cases, the projects showed enough positive outcomes in hospital patients that continued study and protocol changes are possible.   The projects also forged collegial bonds between hospital nurses and college…

DNP Graduate Projects Focus on Big Picture

At the UF College of Nursing, DNP students must think big and take on weighty issues when designing their graduate projects. “When you become a DNP, it is about the big picture. About your population. About your organization. About your system. How do you improve care for the larger group…

College of Nursing Moffitt Scholarship Recipients Announced

Congratulations to the Gainesville and Jacksonville Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing students who recently received Moffitt Cancer Center scholarships. The scholarships are open to ABSN students who are not eligible for traditional scholarships since they already hold a bachelor’s degree.   As part of the scholarship, students agree to…

College of Nursing Announces LINE Fund Scholarship Recipients

The 40 UF Accelerated BSN students selected for the Linking Industry to Nursing Education, or LINE Fund scholarships, were recently announced.The LINE Fund program was established in 2022 by the Florida Legislature to help alleviate the state’s nursing shortage. ABSN students are not eligible for traditional scholarships…

UF Nursing’s Hwayoung Cho Receives $500,000 NIH Award

UF College of Nursing faculty member Hwayoung Cho, PhD, recently received an NIH grant for more than $500,000 for a four-year study examining disparities in the risk of dementia among people living with HIV aged 50 and older. The study aims to develop an early warning system to identify those at high…

Community Projects Expose Nursing Students to Deeper Patient Needs

One of the things that impacted Mary Curley the most during her UF Nursing community project, was when the Accelerated BSN student felt first-hand the trust patients bestow on nurses. Curley was part of a group that partnered with the Gainesville Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the Geriatric Research Education…

New AI tool predicts risk for chronic pain in cancer patients

 UF College of Nursing faculty member Lisiane Pruinelli, PhD., M.S., R.N., FAMIA, published a study on using AI to predict which breast cancer patients are most at risk for developing chronic pain. The study published on July 26 in the Journal of Nursing Scholarship.