All Posts by

Rachel Rivera

Gator Nursing DNP student selected for AACN scholarship

Congratulations to DNP student Taylor Bell, who was recently notified that he is the recipient of the Deborah E. Trautman Future Nurse Leader Scholarship from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing! He is one of two recipients selected from over 90 applications submitted! Taylor is in the Psych-Mental…

UF Nursing opens leading-edge simulation and learning lab

By: Anna Hoffman UF nursing students Serenity McNair and Jacob Zoltek use a high-fidelity patient simulator to learn and practice skills in the newly renovated Thomas M. and Irene B. Kirbo Innovation and Learning Laboratory. University of Florida College of Nursing students and faculty can now hone their skills using…

A New Year’s Message from Dean Anna McDaniel

Dear Gator Nurses, Although 2020 was designated the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, none of us could anticipate how appropriate that designation would be, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although last year was fraught with challenges for all of us, we remained optimistic at the University of Florida…

Historic Number of Faculty Become Certified Nurse Educators

Since 1956, the University of Florida College of Nursing has employed expert teachers and researchers who are dedicated to providing the highest-quality educational experience for the next generation of nurses. This year, 10 faculty members demonstrated their expertise in nursing education as a specialty area of practice through the National…

The Family Business: How Two Families are Making Gator Nursing History

By Anna Hoffman Sometimes nursing is a unique gift inherent to an individual. Sometimes the nursing spirit is inherited through compassion and ability displayed by someone else. Sometimes the desire to make a difference sets two people on the same path resulting in a life together. But rarely are these…

Carrington Named Fellow of American Medical Informatics Association

Jane M Carrington, PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Professor, Dorothy M. Smith Endowed Chair And Co-Director Of Florida Blue Center For Healthcare Quality. Jane M. Carrington, PhD, RN, FAAN, the UF College of Nursing’s Dorothy M. Smith Endowed Chair and co-director for the Florida Blue Center for Health Care Quality,…

Wilkie Named a UF Research Foundation Professor

The University of Florida Research Foundation has named 33 faculty members as UFRF Professors for 2020. Diana Wilkie, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Prairieview Trust – Earl and Margo Powers Endowed Professor within the College of Nursing, was selected for her established research and leadership in palliative care and end-of-life issues.