1 | Launch curriculum innovation initiative.
From nursing shortages throughout the country to shifting population health needs to rapid advancement and novel applications of technology in teaching, research, and care, we must prepare our faculty and students to lead the way. We have an opportunity to truly reinvent and reimagine nursing education to serve the students of tomorrow, prepare students for health care delivery’s most pressing challenges, and infuse innovative pedagogical approaches in the curricula. With this in mind, we will launch a curriculum innovation initiative so that our academic offerings are competency-based and equip students with the necessary skills to lead our field in the future.
2 | grow the college’s geographic footprint
Increasing our community impact includes expanding the college’s presence in the state, around the country, and throughout the world. We are committed to growing the university’s and the college’s impact in the state while also bringing our expertise to global communities. Therefore, the college will seek to expand its footprint locally and internationally.
3 | grow professional development program offerings
The College of Nursing is committed to educating and developing nurses throughout their careers. We will establish the college as a leading destination for continuing education and professional development in the state and around the world. To do this, we will build a suite of educational offerings for nurses who have a variety of professional goals and needs. This will include dual degrees, skills- and topic based courses, certificates, and pre- and post-licensure offerings.