a message from dean henderson

Missing Summary

Dear Gator Nursing Community,

It is with great pride and excitement that I share Elevate 2029, the University of Florida College of Nursing’s 2025-2029 strategic plan. This plan represents the culmination of months of dedicated collaboration and rigorous analysis, both internally and externally, to chart a course toward making our esteem college the best in the nation. Since its found in 1956, our college has been a pioneer in nursing, continually expanding the boundaries of the profession. For decades, Gator Nurses have evolved, creating a new nursing professional who champions leadership and emphasizes evidence-based practice and quality health care for all people.

Throughout the generations, as the nursing profession has responded to a changing health care dynamic, one thing has remained the same: Gator Nursing continues to break barriers and elevate the profession. As the college’s sixth dean and UF Health’s System Chief Nurse Executive, I am deeply honored to build upon the legacy of visionary leaders who have set the stage for our continued excellence.

This strategic plan will be our guiding light for the next four years. Crafted through insightful dialogue, critical evaluation, and deliberate collaboration, I am proud of the collective decisions we have made and the clear direction we are pursuing. Our efforts will be anchored in our college’s strategic framework to Care, Lead, and Inspire principles first articulated in 2006 during the college’s 50th anniversary celebration and continues to resonate deeply with our alumni, students, faculty, staff, and supporters.

During my first visit to UF, I challenged the College of Nursing to embrace its mission to care, lead, and inspire, but to do so BOLDLY! To care, lead, and inspire boldly defies conventional expectations and challenges the status quo, but the outcomes will surpass even our own expectations and allow our college to reach new heights in nursing education, research, and clinical service.

Our dedication to care, lead, and inspire boldly extends beyond our students and faculty. With each goal reflected in our strategic plan, we are upholding our commitment to enhance our university, community, state, and nation. The success of a strategic plan hinges on the collective beliefs and efforts of those who champion it. At the UF College of Nursing, our goals and priorities are not merely guidelines — they are the lifeblood of our institution and rely on the greatness of our collective efforts to be successful.

I am grateful to the individuals who came together and offered their honest ideas and feedback to create this roadmap for our future. This strategic plan is a testament to our ongoing commitment to excellence and our ambitious vision for the future and promises to our stakeholders. I firmly believe that, united in our efforts, we can achieve anything. With the power of collaboration, I am eager to see the remarkable progress we will make together.

Go Gator Nurses!

Shakira Henderson, PhD, DNP, MS, MPH, EMBA, IBCLC, RNC-NIC
Dean, UF College of Nursing
Associate Vice President for Nursing Education, Practice, and Research – System Chief Nurse Executive, UF Health