CON International Addendum – Privacy Compliance CON International Addendum- Privacy Compliance- Photography and Video Gatorlink username* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY * I will not take photographs or videos I plan to take photographs or videos on my trip I have completed the UF HIPAA & Privacy training and understand my responsibilities to maintain confidentiality and protect both personal identification and patient information as directed by the training.* Yes No The College of Nursing's BEST recommendation is to respect the same rights to privacy that would be observed for individuals in the U.S.I also understand that in order to take any photos or videos of my experience I need to comply with UF Privacy regulations as directed by the University of Florida Privacy Office. I have consulted with the UF Privacy office concerning the privacy requriements of the country (and if relevant, the region) that I am visiting and verified that my plans regarding any photos or videos are in compliance.* Yes No