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Dean Anna McDaniel named Linda Harman Aiken Professor

Dean Anna McDaniel presents alumna Linda Harman Aiken with the Dorothy Smith Legacy Award in February 2016. University of Florida College of Nursing Dean Anna M. McDaniel, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN, has been named the Linda Harman Aiken Professor. Alumna Linda Aiken, Ph.D., R.N., announced a $1 million gift in…

BSN Students–Apply now for the EMBRACE program

BSN students—learn more about the  EMBRACE program—created to provide unique research and leadership opportunities for nursing students from multiple backgrounds, toward creating an inclusive environment for different viewpoints in the scholarly nursing community.

DNP Student Receives National Scholarship

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) student Jannae White was selected as the recipient of the Dr. Linda Burnes‐Bolton Scholarship from the National Black Nurses Association. The scholarship is based on scholastic achievement and leadership with a financial need for those pursuing a specific area of nursing practice. Jannae is a…

Our 60th Anniversary: A Tribute to how Gator Nurses LEAD

As the College celebrates its 60th anniversary, we devote time to celebrating each concept in our tri-part motto: CARE. LEAD. INSPIRE. Here is the second of several videos highlighting these concepts, focusing on LEAD. Our students, faculty, graduates and supporters LEAD in every part of health care, whether as CEO’s…

Parker Elected as Fellow of American Academy of Nursing

Clinical Associate Professor Leslie Parker, Ph.D., A.R.N.P., from the University of Florida College of Nursing was elected as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She will be officially honored as a fellow at the American Academy of Nursing’s annual conference in October. The academy honors individuals who…

Diana Wilkie works to bring palliative care to forefront

Diana Wilkie, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN, Prairieview Trust-Earl and Margo Powers Endowed Professor, College of Nursing Diana Wilkie firmly believes that palliative care isn’t only for people with life-threatening illnesses. While some associate palliative care primarily with end-of-life care, she says it should be available to anyone…