Michael Weaver, PhD, RN, FAAN
About Michael Weaver
Dr. Weaver teaches Statistics and Research Methods for doctoral students.
Dr. Weaver’s research interests are in research Design and advanced statistical methods, including SEM and Bayes methods, and Health Promotion & disease prevention.
Member and past Co-Chair of the American Academy of Nursing Genetics Health Care Expert Panel. Fellow, American Academy of Nursing. PCORI Disparities Study Section Scientific Reviewer. Member of the Nursing Outlook editorial board. Member of manuscript review panel for Research In Nursing and Health, Nursing Outlook, and Journal of Advanced Nursing . Chair, UF Cancer Center Scientific Review & Monitoring Committee, Cancer Population Science Subcommittee. Member, UF Health Cancer Center Division of Quantitative Sciences, Biostatistics Division
Teaching Profile
Research Profile
Dr. Weaver’s research interests are in applied statistics and health prevention and promotion.
Statistical analysis, emphasizing advanced multivariate techniques; research methods; and health promotion. Ongoing Research Support
R21 NR017749 Kelly (PI) 09/27/2018–07/31/2020 Developing the Biobehavioral Foundation for Self-Management of Psychoneurological Symptoms in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant (HCT) Survivors The long-term goal of this pilot study is to elucidate the complex biobehavioral mechanisms of symptoms in individuals receiving hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in order to develop targeted self-management interventions to obtain and maintain optimal quality of life (QOL) of this vulnerable patient population. To achieve this goal, we will longitudinally examine 50 adult (age > 18 years) HCT survivors and characterize associations among selected patient factors (age, sex, race/ethnicity, BMI, lifestyle habits, and clinical factors [cancer diagnosis, conditioning regimen, type of transplant] ), PN symptoms (neurocognitive dysfunction, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and pain), inflammation (cytokines and C-reactive protein), GM (richness and diversity) and Diet (macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and protein).
R01 NR016964 Parker (PI) 08/03/2018-05/31/2022 Optimal Feeding Tube Dwell Time in VLBW to Reduce Feeding Tube Contamination The overall objective of this 4-year study is to determine if a maximum feeding tube dwell time of 48 hours reduces contamination compared to a maximum feeding tube dwell time of 7 days (current practice), thereby improving neonatal health outcomes. Role: Statistician/Co-Investigator.
R01 NR016986 Lyon & Stechmiller (MPI) 04/01/2018-01/31/2023 Biobehavioral mechanisms underlying symptoms and healing outcomes in older individuals with CVLU The overall purpose of this study is to identify relationships between bio-behavioral factors that influence symptoms, healing trajectory, and biofilm in the wound environment in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers. The long-term goal is to elucidate the complex biobehavioral mechanisms responsible for symptoms and healing outcomes in older adults with venous leg ulcers (VLUs) for the development of targeted therapies that address both the patient-oriented outcomes and healing outcomes in this growing group of affected individuals.
Completed Research Support (last 3 years)
R01 NR014019 Parker (PI) 03/18/2013-01/31/2017 Routine Aspiration of Residual Gastric Contents in Very Low Birth Weight Infants The primary purpose of this study is to determine nutrition outcomes and risks to GI integrity and function of aspirating for Routine Gastric Contents prior to feeding in order to translate into evidence-based practice in the care of VLBW infants. The long-term goal of this program of research is to improve short and long-term health outcomes for premature VLBW infants by improving nutrition and decreasing complications due to prematurity. Role: Statistician/Co-Investigator
1I01HX001076-01 Daggett (PI) 01/01/2013-12/31/2017 Telephone Assessment and Skill-Building Intervention for Informal Caregivers The objectives of this study are to evaluate (a) the efficacy of the revised Telephone Assessment and Skill-building Kit (TASK II) in informal caregivers of veterans with stroke, and (b) estimate effect sizes for the TASK II-TBI intervention for informal caregivers of veterans with TBI. Role: Co-Investigator-Statistician
- Biostatistics
- Symptom science; Chronic illness; Mind-Body therapies; Metabolomics
Contact Details
- Business:
- (352) 273-7491
- Business:
- michael.weaver@ufl.edu
- Business Mailing:
PO BOX 100197
GAINESVILLE FL 326100197 - Business Street: