The University of Florida Libraries established and supports the IR@UF in order to offer a central location for the collection, preservation, and dissemination of scholarly, research, and creative production alongside historical materials from the University of Florida. The historical materials provide context for research and researchers, enabling insight into the history, nature, and culture of the University. The IR@UF includes the following open access materials from UF authors and UF colleges:
- Journal Articles
- Conference Papers and Proceedings
- Monographs and Monograph Series
- Technical Reports
- Theses and Dissertations
- White Papers
- Data and data sets (standalone or with publications)
- Journals and Other Publications of UF Colleges
- Grant Proposals
- Also, see related materials in the University Archives Collection, with photographs, audio, video and more
The IR@UF encourages university units to contribute their open access research, reports and other materials to the IR@UF for archiving and dissemination free of commercial cost.
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