Graduate Research Opportunities

The ORS grants specialist is available for consultation with doctoral students seeking funding for their research projects. The following links to federal agencies and private organizations that provide pre- and postdoctoral fellowships or grants may also be helpful:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ): The AHRQ is the federal government’s focal point for research to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health care services and access to those services. AHRQ accomplishes these goals through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research on the organization, financing and delivery of health care services, as well as through the promotion of improvements in clinical practice. The agency awards large and small research grants, NRSA institutional and individual training grants, and dissertation grants.

American Heart Association (AHA): The AHA funds research broadly related to cardiovascular function and disease, stroke or to related clinical, basic science, bioengineering or biotechnology and public health problems. Pre- and postdoctoral fellowships, as well as faculty and independent investigator research grants, are available.

Florida Nurses Foundation: The Florida Nurses Foundation provides funding for students seeking financial assistance in the form of scholarships and registered nurses conducting research.

NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Research Fellowships: Pre- and postdoctoral fellowships.

Oncology Nursing Society: Awards, research grants, and scholarships for nurses and nursing students devoted to the care of individuals with cancer and to the specialty of oncology nursing.

T32 pre and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities in translational science to reduce the impact of alcohol on HIV infection at the University of Florida

Student Resources

Student Research Assistant Opportunities

Students interested in becoming research assistants may:

  1. Browse the research interests and funded research of faculty members.
  2. Choose a faculty member with similar research interests.
  3. E-mail the appropriate faculty members directly to ask them if they need research assistants.