Spring 2025 Course Syllabi
Spring 2025
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Course Syllabi
Semester 2 Traditional BSN Juniors
NUR 3168 – Lead and Inspire 2: Research and Evidence Based nursing
Sections 35CB, 35CC, 35CD
Instructors Catarelli, Pruinelli, Scarton
NUR 3128 – Pathophysiology/Pharmacology in Nursing 2
Sections 35B7, 35B8, 35B9
Instructors Holland, Mauney, Dillard
NUR 3227C – Principals of Personalized Nursing Care 2
Sections 7030, 7050, 7060
Instructors Schofield, Gardner, Stephen
NUR 3219C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Adult Acute Conditions Didactic
Sections 7031, 7041, 7051
Instructors Nestor, Plourde, Catarelli
NUR 3535C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Mental Health
Sections 7032, 7033, 7034
Instructors Bricker, Poole, Jones
Semester 4 Traditional BSN Seniors
NUR 4827 – Lead and Inspire 4: Leadership and Innovation in Nursing Practice
Sections 0100, 0200
Instructors Pruinelli, Keenan
NUR 4636C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Population Health
Sections 0400, 0500
Instructors Bethart, Dyal
NUR 4815 – Professional Nursing Transformation
Sections 0700, 0800
Instructors Hogan, Holland
NUR 4766C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Adult with Complex Conditions
Sections 1001, 1002
Instructors Boneta, Brace
NUR4935 – Honors Seminar
Section 0708
Instructor Terry
Semester 3 Accelerated BSN (Gainesville)
NUR 4108 – Lead and Inspire 3: Professional Nursing Practice
Sections 1004, 1005
Instructors Carrington, Bjarnadottir
NUR 4467C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Women Children and Families
Sections 1007, 1008
Instructors Castillo, Asher
NUR 4768C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Adult Chronic Conditions
Sections 1010, 0616
Instructors Chaplin, Yoon
Semester 3 Accelerated BSN (Jacksonville)
NUR 4108 – Lead and Inspire 3: Professional Nursing Practice
Section 1006
Instructor Domenico/Nobles
NUR 4467C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Women Children and Families
Section 1009
Instructors Browder/Matthews
NUR 4768C – Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Adult Chronic Conditions
Section 1012
Instructor Aull/Weed
RN to BSN (First Semester Students)
NUR 3066C – Clinical Reasoning: Health Assessment
Sections 0211, 0212
Instructors Young, Figueroa
NUR 3805 — Professional Nursing in the Evolving Health Care System
Sections 0221, 0706
Instructors Bradley, Peters
RN to BSN (Second Semester Students)
NUR 3123 – Pathophysiology and Pharmocology
Sections 1024, 1025
Instructors Peters, Matthews
NUR 3826 – Legal and Ethical Issues in Nursing
Sections 0120, 048C
Instructors Bradley, Lyon
RN to BSN (Fourth Semester Students)
NUR 4636C — Clinical Reasoning and Personalized Nursing Care: Population Health
Sections 0520, 0530
Instructors Bethart, Huffman
NUR 4108 — Lead and Inspire 3: Policy and Change in Nursing Practice
Sections 0550, 0560
Instructors Lindsey, Russo
RN to BSN (Fifth Semester Students)
NUR 4827 – Lead & Inspire 4: Leadership and Innovation in Nursing Practice
Sections 1217, 1218
Instructors Belote
NUR 4815 – Professional Nursing Transformation
Sections 1219, 1220
Instructors Bradley, Isaac
NGR 6002C — Advanced Health Assessment
Section 1H70
Instructors Castillo
NGR 6140 — Physiology and Pathophysiology for Advanced Nursing Practice
Section 1H92
Instructor Bumbach
NGR 6172 – Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Nursing Practice
Sections 1118, 35DO
Instructors Roller, Johansson
NGR 6243 — Acute Care Practitioner: Critically Ill Adult
Section 1H98
Instructor Thompson
NGR 6243L — Acute Care Practitioner: Critically Ill Adult Laboratory
Sections 0926, 1129, 1208, 1209
Instructors Benitez, Thompson, Johansson, Taylor
NGR 6302 — Advanced Child Health Nursing II
Section 072F
Instructor Roller
NGR 6302L — Advanced Child Health Nursing II Clinical
Sections 073G, 0927, 1204
Instructors Roller, Indelicato, Rohan
NGR 6311 – Advanced Acute and Chronic Child Health Nursing
Section 14H2
Instructor Maymi
NGR 6311L – Advanced Acute and Chronic Child Health Nursing Lab
Section 14H8, 0928
Instructor Mauney, Maymi
NGR 6350 — Family Nurse Practitioner: Women, Adolescents, and Children
Section 102C
Instructors Felder
NGR 6350L — Family Nurse Practitioner: Women, Adolescents, and Children Labratory
Sections 102E, 0930, 0929, 1131, 0931
Instructors Bumbach, Felder, Bricker, Dyal
NGR 6509 — Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Family Psychotherapy
Section 102F
Instructors Irving/Hogan
NGR 6509L — Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Family and Individual Psychotherapy Clinical
Sections 1024, 1132
Instructors Hogan, Poole
NGR 6538 — Psychopharmacology for Psychiatric Nursing
Section 1031
Instructor Poole
NGR 6717 – Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education
Section 1291
Instructor Halstead
NGR 6836 – Leading Quality Improvement Practice Initiatives
Section 0924
Instructor Duckworth
NGR 6930 – Advanced Statistics for the DNP
Sections 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209
Instructor Taylor, Bricker, Domenico, Dyal
NGR 6850 – Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice
Sections 0574,141A, 141B, 141C
Instructors Lyon, Macieira, Keenan, Carrington
NGR 6941 — DNP Practicum
Sections 16F8, 0933, 16G3, 0934, 16G4, 19AC, 19AF
Instructors Benitez, Allen, Weed, Castillo, Maymi, Roller, Hogan
NGR 7176 — Advanced Topics in Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing
Sections 105F, 141G, 44AE
Instructors Dungan, Bumbach, Taylor
NGR 7940L – Residency in Advanced Nursing Practice
Sections As assigned
Instructors Love
NGR 7970L – Advanced Nursing Project
Section Semester 1, Semester 2-4
Instructor Various Faculty
NGR 6717 – Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education
Section 1291
Instructor Halstead
NGR 6815 – Foundations of Qualitative Health Research
Section 0909
Instructor Cook
NGR 6845 — Applied Statistical Analysis II
Section 11AH
Instructor Pei
NGR 7835 – Nurse Science & Scholar II
Section 2D90
Instructors Parker/Bendixon
NGR 7124 – Theory Development in Nursing
Section 3064
Instructor Booker
NGR 7979 – Advanced Research
Section 11A7
Instructor Various
NGR 7980 – Doctoral Research
Section 4823
Instructor Various
Undergraduate Elective Courses
NUR2650 – Transcultural Communication in Healthcare Today
Section 1111
Instructor Reed
NUR 4930 – Spirituality and Creativity in Healthcare
Section 1D00
Instructor Lane
Graduate Elective Courses
NGR 6930 – Spirituality and Creativity in Healthcare
Section 1205
Instructor Lane
Prior Semester Course Syllabi
Per UF policy, the College of Nursing retains syllabi from the previous three semesters.
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